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Audit management

Approach internal and external audits with our user-friendly interface, including pre-audit checklists, audit planning, and reporting. Configure and start from audit templates, track audit schedules, assign actions and corrective actions and generate audit reports.


Capture, track, and resolve nonconformities with automated workflows, ensuring that all quality-related issues are addressed in a timely and efficient manner. You can assign actions and track progress towards resolution.


Organize training requirements, planning, courses and results to ensure that expiring certifications will be addressed ahead of time.

Training Management Responsibilities Mapped to the PDCA Cycle

To integrate training management responsibilities outlined into an overview that contains the 'Plan-Do-Check-Act' (PDCA) cycle, we need to map these responsibilities onto each phase of the PDCA cycle. This alignment will illustrate how these duties contribute to the continuous improvement loop of planning, doing, checking, and acting in the context of managing and implementing training programs. Let's distribute these responsibilities accordingly:


  1. Maintain the training matrix: This involves updating employee changes, changes to the trainings tracked, and data for completed trainings. It sets the foundation for planning by identifying current and future training needs.
  2. Create training plans/schedules for new employees: Based on the requisites identified in the training matrix and any additional trainings requested by the supervisor. This step involves planning the specific training interventions required for new and existing employees.
  3. Update the training matrix for new positions or training requirements: This anticipatory action ensures the planning process is dynamic and reflects organizational changes and evolving training needs.
  4. Develop and/or modify quality trainings: Planning the content and structure of training programs to meet identified needs.
  5. Create or revise job descriptions: Based on notes from relevant supervisors or upper management, and obtaining management approval for these descriptions.


  1. Administer quality trainings and tests: The execution phase where planned trainings are delivered to employees.
  2. Ensure all employees are trained to the latest revision of their applicable standard operating procedures (SOPs): Implementing the training plan by ensuring employees' skills and knowledge are up-to-date.
  3. Promote awareness of new employees: By alerting the company of incoming employees and communicate any preparations that need to be completed.


  1. Ensure all employees complete the quality trainings required for each position: Monitoring and verifying that the training objectives are met and that employees possess the necessary qualifications for their roles.
  2. Alert supervisors when their employees have completed all required trainings: This involves obtaining signatures from supervisors to acknowledge completion, which serves as a form of checking and validation.
  3. Obtain copies of signed job descriptions from all employees and supervisors: Ensuring that there is a mutual understanding and agreement on job roles and responsibilities.


  1. Save/file all training records into the quality system: This action ensures that there is a documented trail of training activities, outcomes, and compliance. It provides the data needed for analysis and decision-making in the future.
  2. Update training plans based on feedback and changing needs: Using the information gathered during the 'Check' phase to refine and improve training programs. This may involve revising the training matrix, developing new training content, or modifying job descriptions.

By mapping responsibilities to the PDCA cycle, it becomes clear how each task contributes to the ongoing process of improving training management and effectiveness. This approach ensures a systematic and continuous improvement process in training and development activities within the organization.